

Meet the partners

The Canalside is where all of the Cotswold Canals Connected partners are located. These organisations are involved in the restoration of the canal and in preserving the heritage and wildlife along its route. This is where you can find out all about the canal restoration project; what we have achieved so far, what’s next and how you can be involved.

There will also be activities for young and old to learn more about the organisations and their work.

Cotswold Canals Connected

The team at Cotswold Canals Connected (CCC) will be there to answer any questions you have regarding the canal restoration. The focus is now on Phase 1B which runs from Stonehouse all the way to Saul Junction and will finally re-join the Stroudwater canal back to the National Canal Network.

The project involves significant engineering obstacles to overcome; gas pipe lines, a mile of missing canal and the M5! Come and meet the team to find out how it will be done.

Wildlife and nature The CCC team doesn’t just focus on engineering, the Environment team are there to ensure that we do everything we can to not just keep safe the wildlife along the canal but also ensure that we create a habitat that lets it thrive for years to come. The CCC Environment team will also be there to answer any questions you might have and don’t miss our environment manager Anna Tarbet on the Tell Me More Stage at 3pm talking about the project.

Canal volunteers We will also have our volunteering manager Jon there to talk about the incredible work our volunteers do. The canal has been restored predominantly by 1000’s hours of work from volunteers and it could not have been achieved without their help. They are a friendly bunch and always looking for new recruits. If you are interested in joining them chat to Jon about how to get involved.

Cotswold Canals Trust

The Cotswold Canals Trust (CCT) is a charity run by volunteers from the local community, giving time and energy to save our heritage and improve our local environment for the benefit of everyone.

The origins of The Cotswold Canals Trust date back to 1972 when it was the Stroudwater Canal Society. By 1975, the Trust was a registered charity and incorporated for the purpose of preserving, maintaining and improving the Stroudwater Navigation and the Thames & Severn Canal (i.e. the Cotswold Canals).

Their mission includes: “The preservation, maintenance in good order and improvement of canals, navigable rivers and inland waterways for the use of the public” with the objective to restore the canals from Saul Junction at the western end to Lechlade in the east so linking the two great rivers of Thames and Severn. This will provide navigable links to the wider UK canal network”.

Visit the Cotswold Canals Trust website

Stroud Valley Canal Company

The Stroud Valleys Canal Company (SVCC) is the registered charity set up to look after the western section of the Cotswold Canals. It controls most of the canal from a point about 1km east of Saul Junction through to and including Brimscombe Port which is about 2.5 miles east of Stroud.

SVCC will act as navigation authority for the canal and is responsible for issuing boat licenses and mooring permits and angling permits.

Visit the Stroud Valleys Canal Company website

Canal and River Trust

The Trust was launched in 2012, taking over the guardianship of British Waterways’ canals, rivers, reservoirs and docks in England and Wales - and heralding the next chapter in the renaissance of the waterways.

What the Canal and River Trust does

• Creates new routes to work, places to enjoy and spaces where you want to be

• Builds stronger communities by giving people the chance to protect and improve the places that matter to them

• Helps thousands of people young and old develop their confidence and learn new skills

• Champions the many benefits that our waterways offer and encourage more people to use and enjoy them

• Cares for a 2000-mile long ‘green-blue ribbon’ that connects hundreds of wildlife habitats, helping you to get closer to nature wherever you live

• Protects our precious heritage so your children, and their children too, can connect with our rich history

• Ensure that 2,949 bridges, 1,582 locks and 280 aqueducts are open and ready for use all day, every day

Stroud Navigation Archive Charity

Stroudwater Navigation Archive Charity was set up by the Stroudwater Company to make their archive more available for studying the lives of people connected with the canal in the past. Volunteer members of the group have prepared summaries, made extracts and photographed thousands of documents for presentation on this website. Whilst much care has been taken in preparing the material, the work has not been double checked, and if any errors are identified, please notify the Website Team so they can be corrected. The dedicated work of this group has been recognised by the presentation of the Alan Ball Award for the best local history e-publication in 2020.

The archive of the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation which is thought to be the most complete archive of any canal company in the UK.

Visit the Stroud Navigaton Archive Charity website

Stroudwater Textile Trust

Stroudwater Textile Trust manages the Dunkirk Mill Museum with its immense working water wheel and the Gigg Weaving Shed where you can try your hand at weaving, both located in Nailsworth. They bring together textile enthusiasts as members and volunteers

• Demonstrate our restored historic machinery at Mill Open days

• Run the impressive waterwheel at our flagship museum at Dunkirk Mill

• Provide educational resources

• See hand handlooms and a power loom

• Research/lecture/publish materials on textiles and local history

• Curate exhibitions and organise events

Don’t miss our satellite event at Ebley Mill on Sunday 14th May where the incredibly knowledgeable team at Stroudwater Textile Trust will be leading tours of the old mill building that is now the Stroud District Council offices.

Booking available at:

It is a short 30 minute walk along the towpath between the events.

Visit the Stroudwater Textile Trust website here


Boatmobility are based on the Stroudwater Canal at Ryeford Wharf

• They offer an opportunity for people who may have mobility, mental health or learning disability issues, for the elderly and the disadvantaged to get out close to the water and participate in the fun. Families, children and young people are all welcome.

• Their volunteers include canoeists and boaters with a variety of backgrounds as members of the Inland Waterways Association, the Canal and River Trust, the Cotswold Canals Trust, the Cotswolds Canal Cruising Club and many other waterways interests.

• They also have experience of disability issues and want to create an opportunity for all to participate in water based activities on our newly restored canal.

Boatmobility will be offering boat tours on the day for disabled guests on their new vessel ‘Symphony’. They will also be offering tours to all guests on their Katacanoes. Book yourself a trip at the landing station on the Canalside.